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Number Time Title Book Authors
B1 2014 Chapter 18: Vision of Future Control Centers in Smart Grids(Link) Smart Grids: Clouds, Communications, Open Source, and Automation F. Li, P. Zhang, S. Adhikari, Y. Wei, Q. Hu
Number Time Title Journal Authors
J128 202406 Robust allocation of distributed energy storage systems considering locational frequency security (Link) International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems R. Han, Q. Hu, H. Zhang, Y. Ge, X. Quan, Z. Wu
J127 202405 Data-Driven Optimal PMU Placement for Power System Nonlinear Dynamics Using Koopman Approach (Link) IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics J. Ge, Y. Xu, Z. Wu, L. Mili, S. Lu, Q. Hu, Wei Gu
J126 202405 Deep Multi-Task Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Based Joint Bidding and Pricing Strategy of Price-Maker Load Serving Entity (Link) IEEE Transactions on Power Systems H. Xu, Q. Hu, Q. Wu, K. Wang, F. Wu, J. Wen
J125 202405 A Risk Assessment Model for Distribution Systems Considering Optimal Defense Resource Allocation (Link) IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications J. Xu, H. Miao, T. Zhang, Q. Hu, Z. Wu
J124 202403 Offline DRL for Price-Based Demand Response: Learning From Suboptimal Data and Beyond (Link) IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid T. Qian*, Z. Liang, C. Shao, H. Zhang, Q. Hu, Z. Wu
J123 202403 Two-Level Coupling-Based Frequency Control Strategy with Adaptive Distributed Frequency Consensus and Dynamic Compensation (Link) Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy C. Zhang, X. Dou*, J. Zhao, Q. Hu, X. Quan
J122 202402 An Electrolyzer Model for Power System Operation Optimization over Broad Temperature Range (Link) IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy H. Ding, Q. Hu*, J. Li, J. Lin, L. Hong, Z. Wu
J121 202402 A Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm‐based line parameters identification method for distribution network considering multisource measurement (Link) IET Renewable Power Generation D. Xu, X. Song, Z. Wu*, J. Xu, Q. Hu
J120 202401 Adaptive Voltage Reference Based Controls of Converter Power Sharing and Pilot Voltage in HVDC System for Large-Scale Offshore Wind (Link) IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy Y. Zhang, W. Qian, J. Shao, F. Zhang, L. Wang, Q. Hu*, W. Li
J119 202311 Containment-Based Distributed Cooperative Control of Microgrid Clusters: Accurately Constraining the Bus States of Loads and Microgrids (Link) IEEE Transactions on Power Systems C. Zhang, J. Zhao*, X. Dou, Q. Hu, J. Leng, K. Liu
J118 202311 An Edge Intelligence-Based Framework for Online Scheduling of Soft Open Points With Energy Storage (Link) IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid T. Qian, W. Ming, C. Shao, Q. Hu, X. Wang, J. Wu, Z. Wu
J117 202310 基于功率预测精度提升和市场交易的平抑新能源出力波动策略 (Link) 上海交通大学学报 梁以恒, 杨冬梅, 刘刚, 叶闻杰, 杨翼泽, 钱涛, 胡秦然*
J116 202310 国产特高压大吨位悬式瓷绝缘子机电性能提升与工艺优化方法 (Link) 电工技术学报 李群, 高嵩, 杨生哲, 胡秦然*, 姜乃松, 吴在军
J115 202310 计及多工况对机组寿命损耗的机组组合优化模型 (Link) 上海交通大学学报 罗逸夫, 胡秦然*, 钱涛, 陈涛, 张远实, 章飞, 王琦
J114 202310 Multiarea Probabilistic Forecasting-Aided Interval State Estimation for FDIA Identification in Power Distribution Networks (Link) IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics S. Wei, Z. Wu*, J. Xu, Q. Hu
J113 202310 Maloperation prevention for overcurrent protection in photovoltaic integration system under weather intermittency(Link) Electric Power Systems Research X. Cao, Z. Wu*, X. Xie, X. Quan, Q. Hu, M. Li
J112 202309 综合惯性控制下风机惯性支撑能力分析及等效惯量评估 (Link) 上海交通大学学报 周涛, 黄菊, 韩汝帅, 胡秦然*, 权浩
J111 202308 A Fault Ride-through Method for LVDC Networks With Photovoltaic Energy Storage Systems(Link) IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy X. Cao, Z. Wu, X. Xie, X. Quan, Q. Hu
J110 202307 电气类专业教材更新与交流机制的重构与实践(Link) 中国大学教学 季振亚, 胡秦然*, 马刚
J109 202306 Synchronous rectification of LLC resonant converters based on resonant inductor voltage(Link) Frontiers in Energy Research Z. Luo, Z. Wu*, X. Quan, X. Xie, X. Dou, Q. Hu
J108 202306 A Two-Stage flow-based partition framework for unbalanced distribution networks(Link) CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems J. Ge, Z. Wu, J. Xu*, Q. Hu
J107 202306 Low Frequency Residential Load Disaggregation via Improved Variational Auto-Encoder and Siamese Network(Link) CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems C. Qian, Z. Wu*, D. Xu, Q. Hu, Y. Liu
J106 202306 A Review of Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) for Wildfire Mitigation: Policies, Practices, Models and Data Sources(Link) IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation C. Huang, Q. Hu*, L. Sang, D. Lucas, R. Wong, B. Wang, W. Hong, M. Yao
J105 202306 An Adaptive Reclosing Scheme for MVDC Distribution Networks with Mechanical DCCBs(Link) International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems X. Cao, Z. Wu*, X. Xie, X. Quan, Q. Hu, M. Li
J104 202304 低温环境下考虑电池寿命的微电网优化调度(Link) 中国电机工程学报 丁佳昀, 胡秦然*, 吴在军, 钱涛, 侯凯
J103 202304 Role of Electrolytic Hydrogen in Smart City Decarbonization in China(Link) Applied Energy J. Wang, Q. An, Y. Zhao, G. Pan*, J. Song, Q. Hu, CW. Tan
J102 202304 A Multi-Area Forecasting Aided State Estimation Strategy for Unbalance Distribution Networks(Link) IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics D. Xu, Z. Wu, J. Xu*, Y. Zhu, Q. Hu
J101 202303 基于SLM-RBF的配电网分布式光伏集群智能划分策略 (Link) 上海交通大学学报 卜强生, 吕朋蓬, 李炜祺, 罗飞, 俞婧雯, 窦晓波, 胡秦然*
J100 202303 Acceleration Framework and Solution Algorithm for Distribution System Restoration based on End-to-End Optimization Strategy(Link) IEEE Transactions on Power Systems Y. Wang, Z. Yan, L. Sang, L. Hong*, Q. Hu, M. Shahidehpour, Q. Xu
J99 202303 An Equivalent Linearized Discrete-Time Realization of Optimal Control Based Tracking Differentiator(Link) IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics R. Huang, Z. Wu, X. Quan*, M. Hu, Q. Hu, T. Sun, Z. Wang
J98 202303 Hydrogen Economy Driven by Offshore Wind in Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Members(Link) Energy & Environmental Science W. Zhuang, G. Pan, W. Gu*, S. Zhou, Q. Hu, Z. Gu, Z. Wu, S. Lu, H. Qiu
J97 202302 多维度评价驱动的电气类电路课程改进探索(Link) 电气电子教学学报 季振亚, 胡秦然*
J96 202301 A Data-Model Hybrid Driven Topology Identification Framework for Distribution Networks(Link) CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems D. Xu, Z. Wu, J. Xu*, Q. Hu
J95 202301 Imitation Learning Based Fast Power System Production Cost Minimization Simulation(Link) IEEE Transactions on Power Systems Q. Hu*, Z. Guo, F. Li
J94 202301 A False Data Injection Attack Detection Strategy for Unbalanced Distribution Networks State Estimation(Link) IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid S. Wei, J. Xu, Z. Wu*, Q. Hu, X. Yu
J93 202212 计及多能流运行时序性的电-气互联系统协同状态估计(Link) 电力自动化设备 徐俊俊, 胡秦然, 张腾飞*, 吴在军
J92 202212 An optimal bidding and scheduling method for LSEs considering demand response uncertainty(Link) Applied Energy R. Han, Q. Hu*, H. Cui, T. Chen, X. Quan, Z. Wu
J91 202212 A secure forecasting-aided state estimation framework for power distribution systems against false data injection attacks(Link) Applied Energy J. Xu, Z. Wu, T. Zhang, Q. Hu, Q. Wu*
J90 202211 融入多源量测数据的配电网分布式区间状态估计(Link) 中国电机工程学报 徐俊俊, 吴在军*, 张腾飞, 茅明明, 胡秦然
J89 202211 Bi-level economic scheduling between IESO and compressed air energy storage based on flexible electricity-heat pricing(Link) Energy Reports Y. Zhou, Q. Hu*
J88 202210 A robust restoration decision-making strategy for unbalanced distribution networks considering the uncertainty of pho tovoltage generators(Link) International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy SystemsJ. Xu*, Z. Wu, Q. Wu, Q. Hu, T. Zhang
J87 202210 A Multiarea State Estimation for Distribution Networks Under Mixed Measurement Environment(Link) IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics M. Mao, J. Xu, Z. Wu*, Q. Hu, X. Dou
J86 202210 A simple control method of supercapacitor DC-DC converter for grid-connected application(Link) SEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems X. Quan*, X. Xie, Q. Hu, J. Lei, X. Dou, Z. Wu, T. Sun, K. Hou
J85 202210 A dynamic distributed energy storage control strategy for providing primary frequency regulation using multi-armedbandits method(Link) IET Generation Transmission & Distribution J. Sun, Y. Zhao, N. Zhang, X. Chen, Q. Hu, J. Song*
J84 202210 Distributed Secondary Control for Island Microgrids with Expected Dynamic Performance Under Communication Delays(Link) IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid C. Zhang, X. Dou*, X. Quan, Q. Hu, Z. Wu, Y. Lv
J83 202209 A Novel Reduced-Order Generalized Differentiator With Zero-Phase Lag and Improved Noise Attenuation(Link) IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics R. Huang, X. Quan*, Z. Wu, M. Hu, Q. Hu, Z. Wang
J82 202209 Deep reinforcement learning based power system optimal carbon emission flow(Link) Frontiers in Energy Research P. Qin, J. Ye, Q. Hu*, P. Song, P. Kang
J81 202209 A novel two-phase load compensation method under unbalanced voltages for renewable energy integration(Link) Frontiers in Energy Research Y. Zhang*, L. Wang, C. Struthers, Q. Hu
J80 202209 Multiple objective optimization based on particle swarm algorithm for MMC-MTDC system(Link) Frontiers in Energy Research W. Qian, S. Cao, Y. Zhang*, Q. Hu, H. Li, Y. Li
J79 202209 Optimal scheduling of multi-microgrids with power to hydrogen considering federated demand response(Link) Frontiers in Energy Research Q. Hu*, Y. Zhou, H. Ding, P. Qin, Y. Long
J78 202208 基于多重谐振控制器的参考值前馈自适应控制(Link) 电工技术学报 黄仁志, 全相军*, 吴在军, 胡秦然, 李淑锋
J77 202207 Analysis on Influence of Residents’ Response Probability Distribution on Load Aggregation Effect(Link) Frontiers in Energy Research W. Zhang, Q. Hu*, X. Yu
J76 202207 Power grid monitoring event recognition method integrating knowledge graph and deep learning(Link) Frontiers in Energy Research Y. Yang, Q. Hu*, Y. Liu, X. Pan, S. Gao, B. Hao
J75 202207 A novel peer-to-peer control strategy for multi-terminal DC distribution systems(Link) IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid X. Xie, X. Quan, Z. Wu*, X. Cao, W. Hu, X. Dou, Q. Hu
J74 202204 Topological partition based multi-energy flow calculation method for complex integrated energy systems(Link) Energy Q. Hu*, Y. Liang, H. Ding, X. Quan, Q. Wang, L. Bai
J73 202204 Electricity Price Prediction for Energy Storage System Arbitrage: A Decision-focused Approach(Link) IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid L. Sang, Y. Xu*, H. Long, Q. Hu, H. Sun
J72 202204 A Unified Modeling Scheme of Modular Multilevel Converter for Hybrid AC/DC Power Grids(Link) Frontiers in Energy Research X. Xie, Z. Wu*, Q. Hu, X. Quan, X. Dou, X. Cao
J71 202204 用于光伏快速功率控制的新型锁相环参数设计(Link) 电力电子技术 徐晓春*, 李佑伟, 胡秦然, 全相军
J70 202203 基于深度强化学习技术的光伏固体氧化物燃料电池混合能源系统多场景控制(Link) 中国电机工程学报 宋雨桐, 陈涛*, 高赐威, 宋梦, 胡秦然
J69 202202 Optimal Allocation Method of Residential Air- conditioners: Trade-off Solutions between Economic Costs and Aggregation Reliability(Link) IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy R. Han, Q. Hu*, Z. Guo, X. Quan, Z. Wu, R. Hu
J68 202202 Energy procurement and retail pricing of electricity retailers via deep reinforcement learning with long short-term memory(Link) CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems H. Xu*, J. Wen, Q. Hu, J. Shu, J. Lu, Z. Yang
J67 202201 A real-time state estimation framework for integrated energy system considering measurement delay(Link) IET Generation,Transmission & Distribution D. Xu, J. Xu, Z. Wu*, Q. Hu
J66 202201 Grid-Forming Inverter Enabled Virtual Power Plants with Inertia Support Capability(Link) IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Q. Hu*, R. Han, X. Quan, Z. Wu, C. Tang, W. Li, W. Wang
J65 202201 Privacy-preserving Hybrid Cloud Framework for Real-time TCL-based Demand Response(Link) IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing L. Sang; Q. Hu*, Y. Xu, Z. Wu
J64 202112 Community-detection-based approach to distribution network partition(Link) CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems M. Mao, Z. Wu, D. Xu, J. Xu*, Q. Hu
J63 202111 State Feedback Control Based Seamless Switch Control for Microgrid Inverter(Link) Applied Sciences Y. Zeng*, X. Quan*, Q. Hu, Z. Zou, F. Deng
J62 202111 The coordinated operation of dual batteries energy storage system for cold areas(Link) Energy Reports H. Ding, Q. Hu*, K. Hou, X. Dou, C. Zhang
J61 202111 Strategic interaction to reduce customer fatigue in load aggregation(Link) Energy Reports X. Chen, X. Xu, X. Dai, Q. Hu*, X. Quan, S. Yang
J60 202111 Economic-based residential flexible resource allocation in microgrid(Link) Energy Reports Z. Guo, H. Guo, Q. Hu*, X. Quan, Q. Wang, Z. Wu
J59 202110 Assessment of plum rain’s impact on power system emissions in Yangtze-Huaihe River basin of China(Link) Nature Communications G. Pan#, Q. Hu#, W. Gu*, S. Ding, H. Qiu, Y. Lu
J58 202108 Adaptive Master-Slave Control Strategy for Medium Voltage DC Distribution Systems Based on a Novel Nonlinear Droop Controller(Link) IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid X. Xie, X. Quan, Z. Wu*, X. Cao, X. Dou, Q. Hu
J57 202107 Heat-electricity joint bidding strategies for intelligent buildings in intelligent building cluster(Link) International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems X. Dou*, Y. Shao, J. Wang, Q. Hu
J56 202107 Cost and low-carbon competitiveness of electrolytic hydrogen in China(Link) Energy & Environmental Science G. Pan, W. Gu*, Q. Hu, J. Wang, F. Teng, G. Strbac
J55 202106 A user selection algorithm for aggregating electric vehicle demands based on a multi-armed bandit approach(Link) IET Energy Systems Integration Q. Hu*, N. Zhang, X. Quan, L. Bai, Q. Wang, X. Chen
J54 202106 Redesigning capacity market to include flexibility via ramp constraints in high-renewable penetrated system(Link) International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems X. Fang*, Q. Hu, R. Bo, F. Li
J53 202105 Analysis and Control of Battery Energy Storage System Based on Hybrid Active Third-Harmonic Current Injection Converter(Link) Energies Y. Tao*, J. Lei, X. Feng, T. Cao, Q. Hu, W. Chen
J52 202104 Optimal demand response strategy of commercial building-based virtual power plant using reinforcement learning(Link) IET Generation Transmission & Distribution T. Chen, Q. Cui, C. Gao*, Q. Hu, K. Lai, J. Yang, R. Lyu, H. Zhang, J. Zhang
J51 202104 一种多能源接入储能移动方舱的电压控制方法(Link) 浙江电力 叶海涵, 陈武*, 郝文波, 王长宝, 侯凯, 江小兵, 胡秦然
J50 202104 交直流配电网柔性多状态开关电压自适应控制策略(Link) 电力系统自动化 窦晓波*, 皇甫霄文, 全相军, 胡秦然, 肖小龙, 吴在军
J49 202103 考虑广义需求侧资源的江苏“十四五”电源规划(Link) 电力需求侧管理 葛毅, 陈佳铭, 朱永康, 史静, 李冰洁, 胡秦然*, 陈涛
J48 202101 电压控制型并网逆变器瞬时功率降阶控制方法(Link) 电力系统自动化 全相军*, 张从越, 吴在军, 唐成虹, 窦晓波, 胡秦然
J47 202012 美国加州2020年轮流停电事故分析及其对中国电网的启示(Link) 电力系统自动化 胡秦然*, 丁昊晖, 陈心宜, 陈涛, 丁一原, 李扬
J46 202012 Control of grid-forming application for fuel cell/electrolyser system(Link) IET Renewable Power Generation X. Quan*, Q. Hu, X. Dou, Z. Wu, L. Zhu, W. Li
J45 202012 Economic operation of integrated energy systems considering combined production of hydrogen and medical oxygen(Link) IET Renewable Power Generation H. Ding, Q. Hu*, Y. Ge, Q. Wu, X. Dou, Y. Li
J44 202012 High-Order Frequency-Locked Loop:General Modeling and Design(Link) IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics X. Quan*, Q. Hu, X. Dou, Z. Wu, W. Li
J43 202011 Residential HVAC Aggregation Based on Risk-Averse Multi-Armed Bandit Learning for Secondary Frequency Regulation(Link) Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy X. Chen, Q. Hu*, Q. Shi, X. Quan, Z. Wu, F. Li
J42 202011 Optimal iterative learning control for batch processes in the presence of time-varying dynamics(Link) IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems J. Lu, Z. Cao*, Q. Hu, Z. Xu, W. Du*, F. Gao
J41 202011 Bi-level bidding and multi-energy retail packages for integrated energy service providers considering multi-energy demand elasticity(Link) CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems X. Dou*, J. Wang, Q. Hu, Y. Li
J40 202009 New Ancillary Service Market for ERCOT(Link) IEEE Access P. Du*, N. Mago, W. Li, S. harma, Q. Hu, T. Ding
J39 202009 A reliability-aware multi-armed bandit approach to learn and selectusers in demand response(Link) Automatica Y. Li*, Q. Hu, N. Li
J38 202007 锁频环的同步坐标系设计与小信号建模(Link) 中国电机工程学报 全相军*, 黄仁志, 吴在军, 唐成虹, 窦晓波, 胡秦然
J37 202002 Adaptive robust energy and reserve co-optimization of integrated electricity and heating system considering wind uncertainty(Link) Applied Energy J. Tan, Q. Wu*, Q. Hu, W. Wei, F. Liu
J36 202001 A Dynamic Robust Restoration Framework for Unbalanced Power Distribution Networks(Link) IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics J. Xu, Z. Wu*, X. Yu, S. Cheng, Q. Hu, Q. Wu
J35 202001 Increasing operational flexibility of integrated energy systems by introducing power to hydrogen(Link) IET Renewable Power Generation P. Ge, Q. Hu*, Q. Hu, X. Dou, Z. Wu, Y. Ding
J34 201908 A Physical Probabilistic Network Model for Distribution Network Topology Recognition Using Smart Meter Data(Link) IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid W. Jiang, J. Chen, H. Tang, S. Cheng*, Q. Hu, M. Cai, S. Rahman
J33 201905 Trade-Offs in Meter Deployment for Distribution Network State Estimation Considering Measurement Uncertainty(Link) IEEE Access J. Xu, Z. Wu*, Q. Hu, C. Zhu, X. Dou
J32 201902 A non-intrusive control strategy using voltage and reactive power for distribution systems based on PV and the nine-zone diagram(Link) International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems X. Dou*, X. Duan, Q. Hu, L. Shen, Z. Wu
J31 201901 An Interval Arithmetic-Based State Estimation Framework for Power Distribution Networks(Link) IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics J. Xu, Z. Wu*, X. Yu, Q. Hu, X. Dou
J30 201811 Dispatchable Generation of a Novel Compressed-Air Assisted Wind Turbine and Its Operation Mechanism(Link) IEEE Transactions On Sustainable Energy J. Cheng, R. Li*, F. Choobineh, Q. Hu, S. Mei
J29 201811 Extended-State-Observer-Based Distributed Robust Secondary Voltage and Frequency Control for an Autonomous Microgrid(Link) IEEE Transactions On Sustainable Energy P. Ge, X. Dou*, X. Quan, Q. Hu, W. Sheng, Z. Wu, W. Gu
J28 201810 基于监督式学习的自适应竞价预测模型研究(Link) 电气技术 初日辉*, 胡秦然, 时翔, 李鹏
J27 201806 考虑多类型分布式电源和负荷不确定性的主动配电网区间状态估计(Link) 中国电机工程学报 徐俊俊, 吴在军*, 胡秦然, 徐怡悦, 窦晓波, 顾伟
J26 201805 A Distributed Voltage Control Strategy for Multi-Microgrid Active Distribution Networks Considering Economy and Response Speed(Link) IEEE Access X. Dou*, P. Xu, Q. Hu, W. Sheng, X. Quan, Z. Wu, B. Xu
J25 201804 Participation of an Energy Hub in Electricity and Heat Distribution Markets: An MPEC Approach(Link) IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid R. Li, W. Wei, S. Mei*, Q. Hu, Q. Wu
J24 201803 Promoting acceptance of direct load control programs in the United States: Financial incentive versus control option(Link) Energy X. Xu, C. Chen*, X. Zhu, Q. Hu
J23 201801 Dynamic demand control for system frequency regulation: Concept review, algorithm comparison, and future vision(Link) Electric Power Systems Research Q. Shi, F. Li*, Q. Hu, Z. Wang
J22 201801 A framework of residential demand aggregation with financial incentives(Link) IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Q. Hu, F. Li*, X. Fang, L. Bai
J21 201711 A new method for optimal FTU placement in distribution network under consideration of power service reliability(Link) Science China Technological Sciences J. Xu, Z. Wu*, X. Yu, Q. Hu, C. Zhu, X. Dou, W. Gu, Z. Wu
J20 201705 Hybrid one-cycle control scheme for fault-tolerant modular multilevel rectifiers(Link) International Journal Of Electronics J. Mei, H. Miao*, C. Huang, Y. Xu, T. Ma, Q. Hu, W. Chen
J19 201704 主动配电网状态估计技术评述(Link) 电力系统自动化 吴在军*, 徐俊俊, 余星火, 胡秦然, 窦晓波, 顾伟
J18 201703 Effective method to determine time-delay stability margin and its application to power systems(Link) IET Generation Transmission & Distribution C. Dong, H. Jia*, T. Jiang, L. Bai, Q. Hu, L. Wang, Y. Jiang
J17 201610 GPU-based fast decoupled power flow with preconditioned iterative solver and inexact newton method(Link) IEEE Transactions on Power Systems X. Li, F. Li*, H. Yuan, H. Cui, Q. Hu
J16 201610 Day-ahead optimal scheduling method for grid-connected microgrid based on energy storage control strategy(Link) Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy X. Kong, L. Bai*, Q. Hu, F. Li, C. Wang
J15 201608 Synchrophasor measurement-based correlation approach for dominant mode identification in bulk power systems(Link) IET Generation Transmission & Distribution T. Jiang, L. Bai, F. Li, H. Jia*, Q. Hu, X. Jin
J14 201608 Day-ahead coordinated operation of utility-scale electricity and natural gas networks considering demand response based virtual power plants(Link) Applied Energy H. Cui, F. Li*, Q. Hu, L. Bai, X. Fang
J13 201607 Data quality issues for synchrophasor applications Part II: problem formulation and potential solutions(Link) Journal Of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy C. Huang, F. Li*, L. Zhan, Y. Xu, Q. Hu, D. Zhou, Y. Liu
J12 201607 Strategic CBDR bidding considering FTR and wind power(Link) IET Generation Transmission & Distribution X. Fang, F. Li*, Q. Hu, Y. Wei
J11 201607 Estimating inter-area dominant oscillation mode in bulk power grid using multi-channel continuous wavelet transform(Link) Journal Of Modern Power Systems And Clean Energy T. Jiang*, L. Bai, G. Li, H. Jia, Q. Hu, H. Yuan
J10 201601 Risk Constrained Scheduling of Energy Storage for Load Serving Entities Considering Load and LMP Uncertainties(Link) IFAC-PapersOnLine X. Fang*, F Li, H. Cui, L. Bai, H. Yuan, Q. Hu, B. Wang
J9 201508 Balancing Control Schemes for Modular Multilevel Converters Using Virtual Loop Mapping With Fault Tolerance Capabilities(Link) IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics J. Mei*, Y. Ji, J. Tian, C. Huang, X. Lu, X. Du, Y. Xie, Q. Hu
J8 201507 An Optimal PR Control Strategy with Load Current Observer for a Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverter(Link) Energies X. Dou*, K. Yang, X. Quan, Q. Hu, Z. Wu, B. Zhao, P. Li, S. Zhang, Y. Jiao
J7 201505 Coupon-based demand response considering wind power uncertainty: A strategic bidding model for load-serving entities(Link) IEEE Transactions on Power Systems X. Fang, Q. Hu, F. Li*, B. Wang, Y. Li
J6 201411 Quasi-Fixed-Frequency hysteresis current tracking control strategy for modular multilevel converters(Link) Journal of Power Electronics J. Mei*, C. Huang, Q. Hu
J5 201406 Simulation of a smart home energy management system with dynamic price response(Link) Pursuit-The Journal of Undergraduate Research at the University of Tennessee Jason. Chan, Q. Hu*
J4 201405 A smart home test bed for undergraduate education to bridge the curriculum gap from traditional power systems to modernized smart grids(Link) IEEE Transactions on Education Q. Hu*, F. Li, C. Chen
J3 201306 Hardware design of smart home energy management system with dynamic price response(Link) IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Q. Hu*, F. Li
J2 201303 Probabilistic Model of Payment Cost Minimization Considering Wind Power and Its Uncertainty(Link) IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy Y. Xu, Q. Hu, F. Li*
J1 200805 从无到有的收获——大学本科一年级学生走上国际讲坛(Link) 物理与工程 郭昱辰, 钱逸, 胡秦然, 李昊, 尤煚, 顾素玉, 陈敏伟
Number Time Title Conference Authors
C37 202312 A Low Carbon Demand Response Approach via Road Tolls in Traffic-Power Coupled Systems(Link) IEEE PES EI2 2023 Z. Liang, T. Qian, Q. Hu, Z. Wu
C36 202311 Demand Response Potential Assessment of Steel Plant Based on Refined Simulation(Link) 2023 7th International Conference on Power and Energy Engineering (ICPEE) B. Zou, Y. Zhang, Q. Chen, Y. Ding, X. Yu, Q. Hu, Q. Wang
C35 202311 Price-based demand response in the coupled power and transportation network via EV charging station(Link) 2023 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific) Z. Liang, T. Qian, Q. Hu*
C34 202205 Optimal Dispatch Strategy of a Flexible Energy Aggregator Considering Virtual Energy Storage(Link) International Conference on Energy Storage and Intelligent Vehicles(ICESIV) Z. Liang, Z. Ge, S. Chen, H. Ding, Y. Liang, Q. Hu*
C33 202205 Microgrid Pre-dispatch Considering Battery Low-temperature Characteristics(Link) 2022 IEEE 5th International Electrical and Energy Conference (CIEEC) J. Ding, Z. Wu, Q. Hu*
C32 202205 Discrete-Time Zero-Dynamic Control for 1500V Battery Three-Phase Inverter(Link) 2022 IEEE 5th International Electrical and Energy Conference (CIEEC) B. Chen, X. Quan, Q. Hu, K. Hou, F. Song, J. Wang, T. Sun
C31 202204 Slow/Fast Charging Pile Configuration in Multi-areas Based on Time-Space Transfer Characteristics of EV(Link) The proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of China Electrotechnical Society(ACCES) Yi. Xu, W. Shu, J. Chen, L. Sang, Q. Hu*, R. Han
C30 202204 Optimal Operation of Regional Energy Internet Considering Distributed Resource Aggregation(Link) The proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of China Electrotechnical Society(ACCES) D. Yuan, H. Ding, Q. Hu*, Z. Wu, R. Han
C29 202204 GAN-based Residential Load Data Generation Model Considering Users’ Privacy(Link) 2022 7th Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ACPEE) P. Qin, X. Wang, Z. Qiao, X. Li, Q. Hu*, W. Shu
C28 202204 Active Power Support for Fast Frequency Response: An Economic Perspective(Link) The proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of China Electrotechnical Society(ACCES) W. Zhang, Z. Cao, X. Chen, Q. Hu*
C27 202202 Residential Energy Arbitrage Considering Demand Response and Accurate Battery Model with Degradation Cost(Link) 2022 International Conference on Power Energy Systems and Applications (ICoPESA) T. Chen, Q. Hu, Y. Wang, X. Quan, F. Zhang, X. Yan
C26 202112 Modeling and Transient Stability Analysis of Mixed-GFM-GFL-Based Power System(Link) 2021 IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference (iSPEC) M. Li, X. Quan, Z. Wu, W. Li, L. Zhu, Q. Hu
C25 202112 Benefits of Using Electrolytic Hydrogen for Offshore Wind on China's Low-carbon Energy(Link) 2021 IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference (iSPEC) J. Chen, G. Pan, Y. Zhu, L. Sang, Y. Ge, Q. Hu
C24 202112 Bi-level Optimization Model of Day-ahead Demand Response Strategy for Load Aggregator(Link) 2021 IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference (iSPEC) Y. Zhao, H. Jiang, Q. Hu, Y. Li, Z. Wu
C23 202112 A State Space Discrete-Time Realization of the Three-phase Generalized Second-Order Integrator Frequency Locked Loop(Link) 2021 IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference (iSPEC) Y. Wu, Q. Hu, X. Quan, H. Ding, K. Hou, Y. Jiang
C22 202112 Temporal and Spatial Characteristics Analysis of Electrical Vehicle Charging Behaviour Based on SUMO(Link) 2021 IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference (iSPEC) W. Shu, Y. Xu, H. Ding, Z. Ji, Q. Hu
C21 202112 A review on the application of grid-forming control in power system(Link) 2021 IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference (iSPEC) B. Yao, Q. Hu*, X. Quan, W. Li, L. Zhu
C20 202112 An Overview of Virtual Power Plant Prospects from the Perspective of Optimal Scheduling, Market Bidding and Transient Analysis(Link) 2021 IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference (iSPEC) Y. Zhang, L. Wang, H. Ding, Y. Zhu, Q. Hu, Z. Lv
C19 202112 Dynamic pricing of integrated energy service providers based on master-slave game(Link) 2021 IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference (iSPEC) Y. Zhou, H. Ding, Y. Liang, Z. Ji, Z. Wu, Q. Hu
C18 202105 A Voltage Control of Energy Storage Mobile Shelter Under Multi Energy Access(Link) 2021 IEEE 4th International Electrical and Energy Conference (CIEEC) H. Ye, W. Chen, Q. Hu, W. Hao, C. Wang, K. Hou, X. Jiang
C17 202009 A Modified Incentive- based Demand Response Model using Deep Reinforcement Learning(Link) 2020 12th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference(APPEEC) H. Xu, W. Kuang, J. Lu, Q. Hu
C16 202008 A Scenario-adaptive Online Learning Algorithm for Demand Response(Link) IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM) L. Sang, Q. Hu*, Y. Zhao, R. Han, Z. Wu, X. Dou
C15 201911 Aggregating residential demands with a multi-armed bandit approach(Link) 2019 IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy (iSPEC) Conference S. Cheng, R. Han, Y. Zhao, Q. Hu, W. Jiang
C14 201911 A Novel Application of Smart Grid Data: Human Circadian Rhythm Detection(Link) 2019 IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy (iSPEC) Conference Z. Cui, H. Ding, Y. Liu, H. Xu, Q. Hu*
C13 201910 Expanding flexibility with P2H for integrated energy systems(Link) 8th Renewable Power Generation (RPG ) Conference T. Wang, X. Zhu, P. Ge, Q. Hu, Q. Hu*, X. Dou, H. Ding
C12 201812 Learning and Selecting the Right Customers for Reliability: A Multi-Armed Bandit Approach(Link) 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) Y. Li*, Q. Hu, N. Li
C11 201707 Gain tuning control strategy for DFIG-based wind farms(Link) 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting Y. Xu*, C. Huang, F. Li. X. Li, Q. Hu
C10 201707 An interval arithmetic-based state estimation for unbalanced active distribution networks(Link) 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting J. Xu*, Z.jun Wu, X. Dou, Q. Hu
C9 201705 Distributed Temperature Control via Geothermal Heat Pump Systems in Energy Efficient Buildings(Link) American Control Conference (ACC) X. Zhang*, W. Shi, Q. Hu, B. Yan, A. Malkawi, N. Li
C8 201607 Mitigate overestimation of voltage stability margin by coupled single-port circuit models(Link) IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) General Meeting H. Yuan*, X. Li, F. Li, X. Fang, Hantao Cui, Q. Hu
C7 201607 Application of battery-supercapacitor energy storage system for smoothing wind power output: An optimal coordinated control strategy(Link) IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) General Meeting L. Bai*, F. Li, Q. Hu, H. Cui, X. Fang
C6 201510 System load margin evaluation using mixed-integer conic optimization(Link) North American Power Symposium (NAPS) X. Fang*, F. Li, Q. Hu, N. Gao
C5 201507 The impact of FTR on LSE’s strategic bidding considering coupon-based demand response(Link) IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) General Meeting X. Fang*, F. Li, Q. Hu, Y. Wei, N. Gao
C4 201507 Robust mean-variance optimization model for grid-connected microgrids(Link) IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) General Meeting L. Bai*, Q. Hu, F. Li, T. Ding, H. Sun
C3 201507 An approach to assess the responsive residential demand to financial incentives(Link) IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) General Meeting Q. Hu*, X. Fang, F. Li, X. Xu, C. Chen, H. Hu
C2 201409 A comprehensive user interactive simulation tool for smart home application(Link) Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC) Q. Hu, J. Chan, F. Li*, D. Chen
C1 201109 Heuristic optimal restoration based on constructive algorithms for future smart grids(Link) 16th International Conference on Intelligent System Application to Power Systems (ISAP) S. Adhikari, F. Li, Q. Hu, Z. Wang
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