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Human and Energy Systems Laboratory(HESL)实验室致力于分布式能源聚合管控、极端环境能源系统设计、电力系统经济运行方面的理论研究与技术开发,与建筑设计、土木工程、集成电路、交通工程、公共卫生等学科紧密合作,协同探索电力设备在线感知、低碳城市规划设计、车-网智慧管控、医-工融合等应用场景中的技术问题的解决方案。
2024-09-02 论文“Mechanism Design of EVs Fast Charging Rights for Enhanced Vehicle-to-Grid Regulation"被Applied Energy录用,恭喜钱涛老师,徐亚东同学!
2024-08-31 论文“Stable Relay Learning Optimization Approach for Fast Power System Production Cost Minimization Simulation"被IEEE Transactions on Power Systems录用,恭喜钱涛老师,郭紫姗同学!
2024-08-19 论文“A Vehicle-to-Grid Planning Framework lncorporating Electric Vehicle User Equilibrium and Distribution Network Flexiblity Enhancement"被Applied Energy录用,恭喜梁泽宇同学!
2024-08-19 论文“Modeling and Optimization Operation of Improved Power to Hydrogen and Heat (lP2HH) at Low Temperature for Carbon Reduction"被IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy录用,恭喜丁昊晖同学!
2024-07-25 论文“Efficient Power System Year-Round Hourly Operation Simulation Based on Multi-Stage Stochastic Dual Dynamic Integer Programming"被International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems录用,恭喜钱涛老师,吴启宇同学!
2024-07-02 论文“Frequency Security-Constrained Unit Commitment with Fast Frequency Support of DFIG-Based Wind Power Plants"被International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems录用,恭喜钱涛老师,张远实老师,韩汝帅同学!
2024-06-30 恭喜巫绍辉、刁章彪、陈柏年、葛亦吴、许宜薇、黄观、束雯暄、吴曜东、袁典、巫朝越、邱意、罗逸夫、葛铮铮、姚波同学通过硕士论文答辩!祝贺以上同学顺利毕业!
2024-06-23 论文“POMDP-Based Dispatch Scheme for Residential Distributed Energy Resources Under Customer Fatigue Consideration"被IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid录用,恭喜陈心宜同学!
2024-06-18 论文“A Tri-Level Demand Response Framework for EVcs Flexibility Enhancement in coupled Power and Transportation Networks"被IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid录用,恭喜钱涛老师,梁泽宇同学!
2024-06-06 恭喜葛亦吴同学获得2024年“优秀毕业研究生”荣誉称号!
2024-06-06 论文“Grid-Forming Inverter Enabled Virtual Power Plantswith Inertia Support Capability”获IEEE PES Prize Paper Award,恭喜韩汝帅同学!
2024-04-25 恭喜丁昊晖同学获得2023年度“东南大学青年五四奖章”!
2024-04-24 恭喜丁昊晖同学获得清晖创新奖学金,全校硕博每年10名(排第一)!
2024-03-24 论文"Offline DRL for Price-based Demand Response: Learning from Suboptimal Data and Beyond"被IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid录用,恭喜钱涛老师,梁泽宇同学!
2024-02-24 论文"Robust allocation of distributed energy storage systems considering locational frequency security"被IJEPES录用,恭喜韩汝帅同学!
2024-01-17 论文"面向新型电力系统的设备CMD传感芯片关键技术与展望"被电力系统自动化录用,恭喜秦潘昊、杨生哲同学!
2023-12-16 论文"A Low Carbon Demand Response Approach via Road Tolls in Traffic-Power Coupled Systems"在IEEE PES EI2 2023会议上荣获最佳论文,恭喜钱涛老师,梁泽宇同学!
2023-12-06 论文"新型电力系统居民分布式资源管理综述"被电力系统自动化录用,恭喜陈心宜同学!
2023-12-06 “电力侦察连——电力智能感知设备与系统”项目在第九届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛中荣获金奖,恭喜丁昊晖、杨生哲、吴启宇、邹伯康、邱意、葛雨凡同学!
2023-10-13 论文"计及多工况对机组寿命损耗的机组组合优化模型"被上交学报(中文EI期刊)录用,恭喜罗逸夫同学!